Kyren Wilson 15-10 Jak Jones
Wilson manages to get Jones into a snooker and the Welshman plays and misses.
He will get to have one more chance at this, striking it full ball, but leaving the pot on for his opponent.
Kyren Wilson leads the frame 54-35 after sinking the last red.
Kyren Wilson 15-10 Jak Jones
Wilson is unlucky as he tries to work the last remaining red away from the cushion but with no joy.
He plays a safety but Jones finds it easy to reply with a snooker.
Wilson leads the frame 49-35 with just one red left on the table.
Kyren Wilson 15-10 Jak Jones
Jak Jones has had plenty of chances in this frame already.
Once again, with plenty of reds out in the open he misses a pot and gift wraps a chance for his opponent.
With the form Kyren Wilson has been in, there are only so many times you can do this before he is going to make you pay.
Currently Wilson leads the frame 43-35.
Kyren Wilson 15-10 Jak Jones
Jones takes another long pot on from the baulk cushion but on this occasion he rattles it and spreads the remaining reds out.
Wilson pots into the middle but is left with a tricky shot on the black at the baulk cushion.
The Englishman misses the pot but the cue ball is tight to the cushion and he has really left nothing on for Jones.
As it stands, Jones leads 26-5 in the frame.