HomeHoroscopeThe new moon solar eclipse in Libra brings major changes

The new moon solar eclipse in Libra brings major changes


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New Moons are a time for rejuvenation and manifestation. If you have a lack in your life, then this is the time to fill it through a new experience, person, or item. We must make space for beginnings and foolish behaviour during New Moons. Mind you, we are all fools when beginning something new, so don’t be scared to get experimental. For newbies, a New Moon occurs when the Moon and the Sun meet at the same degree, forming a conjunction. As an astrology practitioner, I’m all about precision, because cutting through diamonds is possible.

New Moons are a time for setting intentions and goals to manifest. Take the theme of each New Moon as inspiration to bring forth the best version of yourself. If you find your horoscope helpful or have any questions, please share your horoscope and tag me on social media @monishaholmes.

Feel that? You’re not imagining things — we’re in the midst of a major vibe shift. On 2nd October, we experience a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra. And with Pluto Retrograde at 29 degrees during this eclipse, we can feel the weight of major shifts happening around us —personally and on a larger, institutional level. With Pluto in Capricorn, we may feel the need to take on a stronger, more responsible role in our own lives, rather than looking to authority figures or romantic partners to provide us with stability. While Pluto doesn’t directly connect to the eclipse, its presence lingers, reminding us to be mindful of how we engage with the world around us.

Pluto acts like a chef, observing what people are hungry for and quietly shaping the experience. At 29 degrees during this eclipse, Pluto pushes us to be thoughtful about what we bring to the table. If you have the chance to share your perspective, I encourage you to do so. But remember that most communication happens without words.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse also joins the South Node in Libra. Libra, with its focus on love, balance, and fairness, invites us to reflect on the world we want to create. What values are most important to you? What aspects of society do you believe should change for the better? This is a time to think about what needs to be laid to rest in order to create space for something more meaningful and just.

Pluto represents the larger forces at work in the world beyond any one individual. As you consider what changes you want to see, remember that it’s important to build a strong foundation for those values to stand on. If you rely too heavily on others to speak for you, you can only sit back and accept whatever is served. Libra’s influence often leads us to beautify situations, but with the Sun and Moon conjunct the South Node, now is the time to avoid romanticising what needs to be recognised as flawed or broken.

Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign horoscope for the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra:

No one can tell you how best to live your life, Aries. You know that your method is all about independence and individuality. While you should make sure you’re being true to yourself, you’ll be dependent on others if you wait around for action. Perhaps the paths towards resolution isn’t one you’ve walked down before, nor has anyone in your family. Get comfortable with trailblazing; you were born to be different.

Innovation can be born from the mundane. This eclipse is heightening your need to check in with how you are sharing your energy with others. Are you overexerting or overextending yourself in a particular area of your life? Giving yourself the attention you need might not look like taking a fitness class or going on a wellness retreat; sometimes the best form of care you can do is say “no” to plans you’re not interested in.

Leaning deeper into old habits might feel uplifting or comfortable. But with this New Moon solar eclipse, you could realise that you’re taking unintentional detours from your goals. The stars in the sky have no power over what you do with your life; all they can do is spell out signs for you to become a better version of yourself. Take action.

Cancer, you’re probably feeling a desire to stay in your comfort zone and ignore issues at home, but you need to know that these issues are inescapable. Life brings us challenges in order for us to live through them. Are you satisfied in turning away from a family matter, or are you willing to express your passions and frustrations?

Communicating in simplified language may lead you to be perceived as vague and unclear— ironic, right? You might be trying to keep things plain and simple, but you’re shrinking yourself down too much and failing to get to the point. Learning to communicate with different audiences can expand your access to new terms and ideologies.

Your beliefs might be coming between you and your need for comfort. Virgo, you aren’t in need of a change in your morals; in fact, what you believe in might be perfectly aligned with your goals for yourself. Take it a step further and think about the next evolution of your thoughts. Innovation has a way of helping us ascend.

Are you satisfied with yourself, Libra? If so, awesome. Are you satisfied with your relationships, or rather, are the people in these relationships satisfied with you? This eclipse is calling attention towards you and the person you’ve come to be. Wherever you find a sense of self-appreciation reflects a relationship you feel love in.

A lot is going on in your mind, and you might find yourself slipping and stumbling over your words when trying to explain yourself. Give yourself a break and focus on getting your basic needs met and your core work obligations accomplished. You might think you’re ready to go to the next level, however, there is so much development that can occur when you grow where you are.

Sure, you might be clear on your goals, but are you singing the same tune as you were nearly a decade ago? This eclipse can reinforce some of your aspirations, so try to keep an open mind. You might be frustrated with the lack of progression you’re seeing at this time, but trust and believe that you’re capable of making magic the moment you decide to wave your wand!


Try to avoid getting so caught up in your public life that you lose sight of your family. Life at home might feel especially tense and emotionally-charged at this time. When emotions are riled up or there is a sense of confusion within your space, the best step is to simply acknowledge what feels off. Your feelings matter, Capricorn.

Over-intellectualising what you know to be true might be a form of disconnection. Is it possible that you’re creating a situation to avoid, or is there something to be said about what you are witnessing? You’ll benefit from developing your ability to discern which of your feelings necessitate action. There’s no need to run from ghosts or get lost in philosophical reasoning.

All signs are pointing to you making a change in your life. The way you approach pleasure and love may no longer align with your values. As you sort through your thoughts, trust that your ability to align with what you believe in will fuel you through your projects. If you’ve felt as though you’re in a creative rut, how about making a statement and firmly committing to your belief?

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